Kurt Mockenhaupt


Kurt Mockenhaupt, B.M.
Director of Music

As Director of Music at FCCW, Kurt serves as the organist for all worship services, and directs the Chancel Choir and Handbell Choirs. With thirty-five years of church music experience, Kurt served three churches before coming to FCCW: Granville Avenue United Methodist Church in Chicago, Berry Memorial United Methodist Church in Chicago and St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church in Skokie, Illinois. Kurt holds a Bachelor of Music in Education from DePaul University and taught general music (K-8) for eight years. He is a member of The Agape Ringers, an auditioned community handbell ensemble from the greater Chicago area, and has served on the state committee for Area VIII of The American Guild of English Handbell Ringers (AGEHR).

Devin McCue


Devin McCue, B.A., M.A.
Church Administrator

Devin McCue joined FCCW staff in September 2018. Prior, she worked as a program director for Lakeshore Lacrosse and The Illinois Girls Lacrosse Association. She is a native of Chicago and currently resides in Northfield with her three kids. She earned her Bachelor of Arts at Allegheny College and Master of Arts in Teaching from Northeastern Illinois University.

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